Gerichts Prozess – Ah Quatch – GeWitz Prozess 30.01.2024

On Tuesday 30th January 2024 there was a Fecher court-case-date happening. It was the first appointment for this case and it got finished in one day. In the end the judge, the state attorney & the accused persons’ lawyer agreed to the following charges:
– Trespassing (Hausfriedensbruch)
– Attempted dangerous bodily harm (Versuchte gefährliche Körperverletzung)
– Tätlicher Angriff auf Vollstreckungsbeamte (Assault against police officers)
The punishment: 150 Day rates at 10 Euro a day + the costs of the courtcase. 

The initial charges for this case were:
– Trespassing (Hausfriedensbruch)
– Assault against police officer (tätlicher Angriff auf Polizeibeamten)
– Bodily harm (Körperverletzung)
– Material damage (Sachbeschädigung)
– Resistance against law enforcement officers (Widerstand gegen Vollstreckungsbeamte).
So the last two charges got dropped.

The person having the court-case wanted to make it a Ge-Witz Termin (Joke-Court-case-date). The day started in chaos as the room was changed before the Ge-Witz Termin started, soo the sharepic was not up to date anymore… lol. When people got to the new room it was full of unknown people. The justice officers even did not let the accused person in. We later found out that these unknown people were a class coming to the court-case-date to observe and learn from it. They were about 25 people and did not tell us what they where studying. The judge finally arrived a little late and saw the big crowd outside the door of the GeWitz room.Pretty quickly a phone-call was made to organize a bigger room. Huraa, a so called ,bigger room’ was organized. The students quickly got up and rushed to the new room. The accused person was dressed in a giraffe costume.Some of their friends had colorful costumes on as well. The colorful crowd went in a slower pace than the students. As they arrived at the new room, oopps, it was full already!Again with friends not being able to get in. This new room could fit around 50 people. 
After all this chaos the judge started the court-case-procedure. The accused Giraffe requested to have a bigger room but this was not possible. The court-house had rejected the request of the judge. The judge then rejected the request to have an appointment on another day. So the procedure started with about the 20 people outside.

The state attorney read out the charges:
-Trespassing (Hausfriedensbruch)
-Assault against police officer (tätlicher Angriff gegen Polizeibeamten)
-Bodily harm (Körperverletzung)
-Material damage (Sachbeschädigung)
-Resistance against law enforcement officers (Widerstand gegen Vollstreckungsbeamte).
As an answer the accused Giraffe read out two poems. The first one was called “GeWitz Termin” which set the stage for the day.“…. mit meinem Privileg bringe ich eine oder zwei Witz in diese Serious Gericht Process! Natürlich der größte Teil vom dieses Gericht Process wird Serious, Langweilig und Nervig sein. Das ist Das.  Ahh Quach, GeWitz Process! …”, stated the Giraffe.
The second poem was called “Heldbock Poem”, which brings in more perspective on why people were defending Fechenheimer Forest and all its wonderful animals that called Fecher a home. “Der ganze Wald hat Bock zu kämpfen für Fechenheimer Wald. Der Heldbock auch hat Bock.”
Then the accused Giraffes’ lawyer gave a statement saying that the Giraffe did not kick anyone. After this the judge invited the witnesses, one by one. In total there were 5 witnesses that came, all from the Police. The information they gave was partly contradictory from each other and to their initial written statements. None of the witnesses have had any injuries or pain on the day of the eviction on 19.01.2023 & afterwards. Just one watch had a small scratch. Videos and pictures where also showed as evidence in the court-room. Throughout the court-proceedings it got very clear that the charges where very thin and made seem bigger then they where. In addition to this there is no evidence of any kick except from the police-witnesses’ statements. 
People had Bingo-Cards with words that would be said in court, for example “Strafbefehl”, “Protokoll” or “Baum”. A few times during the legal proceedings you would hear someone in the public shout “Bingo!”. 
In the end, the defendant, prosecutor and judge came to a deal with the final charges being
1. Trespassing (Hausfriedensbruch),
2. Attempted dangerous bodily harm (Versuchte gefährliche Körperverletzung)
3. Tätlicher Angriff auf Vollstreckungsbeamte (Assault against police officer).
The punishment was set to 150 day rates at 10 Euro a day. 

After the statements of the state lawyer and the Giraffes’ defendants to say something to the final charges it was time for the last word of the Giraffe. The Giraffe read out a story named “Shit Monster”, a story of a Shit Monster destroying the land with its shit.“The name of this Shit Monster was ,Die Autobahn Scheiße GmbH’ ”, said Giraffe. The State lawyer was not happy with the name of the Shit Monster and stopped the Giraffe by calling for this wording to be written down in the protocol. The Giraffe and their defendants then went out for a short break. When they came back the Giraffe continued, “The name of this Shit Monster was ,Die Autobahn Beep GmbH’ ”For the rest of the story they continued beeping instead of saying “Scheiße”. 

This was just one Fecher Court-Case-Day but there are still many to come.
We will post upcoming courtcases on our website.
Come & flood the courthouse with us <3

This article still needs to be translated, of you have capacities to translate it please do so on this PAD:

Press Article of Gewitz Termin 30.01.24:

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